As a registered Nutritional Therapist (CNHC), nutritionist (BANT) and certified NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) practitioner, I hold a Master of Sciences (MSc) in Personalised Nutrition from Middlesex University and a Nutritional Therapy Practice Diploma from the Centre of Nutrition Education and Lifestyle Management (CNELM). As part of my postgraduate degree I fulfilled the criteria for Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice (AFMCP) with the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM).  I also hold a Master of Arts (MA) in writing from Bath Spa University and have previously published various articles on health and wellness. In 2019, I received certification in all modules of Biological Medicine at the Swiss Biological Medicine Academy with Swiss physician, Dr. Thomas Rau, former director of the world renowned Paracelsus Clinic in Lustmühle, who single-handedly strengthened my belief that healing is possible without pharmaceuticals, and to whom I will be eternally grateful for teaching me his “Three Pillars” theory, which underpins the 3 Sources philosophy to help others live more optimally, by understanding the vital role nutrition and lifestyle medicine plays in their overall health and wellbeing.

I am a member of the British Association of Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy (BANT) and the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) and a registered practitioner and member of the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM).  As a certified NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) practitioner, I help others to identify and break down mental barriers and negative patterns of behaviour so they can make significant and long-term changes to their nutrition and lifestyle.

My research dissertation focused on identifying the factors that influence autoimmune disease and my special interests are the role of mind body nutrition in chronic and degenerative disease. 3 Sources Mind Body Nutrition came into being after my own personal struggle with ill-health.

Meet Rachel

Hi, I'm Rachel

Forage beard banjo ethical, Etsy before they sold out tattooed High Life. Cardigan locavore paleo, gastropub pickled ennui quinoa 3 wolf moon selvage. Food truck Neutra aesthetic Godard, Portland fap whatever 8-bit squid American Apparel. Blog Shoreditch 3 wolf moon ugh craft beer. Flexitarian pug wolf VHS. Pitchfork bicycle rights synth flexitarian try-hard. Banjo flexitarian raw denim wolf. Skateboard locavore scenester Tumblr Etsy meggings. Viral brunc. 

hi, there. I'm

Rochelle Smith

Meet Ella

Forage beard banjo ethical, Etsy before they sold out tattooed High Life. Cardigan locavore paleo, gastropub pickled ennui quinoa 3 wolf moon selvage. Food truck Neutra aesthetic Godard, Portland fap whatever 8-bit squid American Apparel. Blog Shoreditch 3 wolf moon ugh craft beer. Flexitarian pug wolf VHS. Pitchfork bicycle rights synth flexitarian try-hard. Banjo flexitarian raw denim wolf. Skateboard locavore scenester Tumblr Etsy meggings. Viral brunc. 

hi, there. I'm

Ella Banks

Meet Gavin

Healing is a Journey

Wherever you might be on your health journey, know this: healing is a journey and I am passionate about helping people like you reclaim, attain and maintain optimal health and well-being, by providing a clear framework to help you live as optimally as possible for the rest of your life.

But first, I’d like to share a little about my own journey… 

In 2015, my health took a serious nose dive and my world was turned upside down. My adrenals were burned out and over a period of weeks and months my symptom list continued to grow until one day the batteries literally just ran out and I struggled to put one foot in front of the other. Lifting my arms to get dressed in the morning or take a shower took every last drop of energy I had. What followed were neurological issues, gut problems, chronic joint pain, incessant insomnia and depression. 

After an entourage of doctors, specialists, and consultants, I was actively encouraged to start taking a laundry list of pharmaceutical medication. From both a professional and personal standpoint, I was adamant this wasn’t the answer, even on days when I felt totally desperate and alone. I knew I needed to take control of whatever was happening in my body if I wanted to increase my chances of being around for my family in the future.

After two years of seeking answers and researching widely into alternative and natural ways to heal my body, the more convinced I became that I could really change my loss of health by nourishing myself with nutrient dense food and making very intentional changes to my lifestyle.

I am here to tell you there is a better way...

It's important to know that niggling physical symptoms should never be ignored. They are the gateway, and we have an innate ability to shift our health stories with the assistance of nutrition and lifestyle medicine. Before my health crashed there were signs, which I chose to put down to one reason or another, when really my body was screaming out to slow down, stop, take action. 

I don't want you to make the same mistakes I made. Learn to take notice of what your body might be telling you. You are your best compass. Your body communicates with you with such clarity, you only have to take a moment to listen in. 

A wonderful opportunity exists for us to better connect with our bodies, with nature. It’s the most potent solution we have to the times we are living in. It is more important than ever to find ways to activate self-care, vitality and wellness.

There is no such thing as perfection. I, like many of us, am a work in progress. I have learned that healing is a journey and takes time. During the early stages of my loss of health I could barely function on any level, but as I grew in awareness of what nutrients I needed to nourish myself, and the self-care strategies I needed to incorporate into my daily life, I made the changes gradually. And so can you.

No matter where you are on your health journey, 3 Sources is designed to empower you to start living more optimally today.

Am I perfect?

How 3 Sources can help you

Grab your free comprehensive resources specially designed to set you on the right track to start living more optimally

Take a look at the (free) monthly Journal where I publish recipes and resources to inspire and support you through the seasons

Subscribe to the monthly newsletter for nutrition guidance and lifestyle tips, program and product updates, sneak peeks and inspiration for living the 3 Sources life to the fullest, straight to your inbox

Join the 3 Sources Membership to start living the optimal life you thought you’d never have. Sign up today for exclusive members only curated and comprehensive wellness resources that act as a roadmap and help you to connect the dots in your overall health journey

Pre-register your interest for my upcoming online program: The Healing Template: The Key to Optimal Health and Longevity where I’ll be teaching all I know about living an optimal, vibrant and fulfilling life

Stay connected. Follow along and get insider information, recipes, tips and inspiration that I share on social platforms Instagram and Facebook 

Curation is Key.


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Creatives are amazing.


Are you ready to take the real, momentum building action steps to start living your life optimally? 

By reading this, you’ve proven that you’re willing to take the next step. Feel confident that every bit of effort you invest in your health and well-being will pay off countless times over.

And remember, healing is a journey...

I look forward to connecting with you soon!

Bernice (Cheshire, UK) 

“I love Rachel’s approach to health and well-being, everything she writes about feels so nourishing for both the body and the soul - it is how I want to live. I have tried many of her recipes and they are simply delicious, not to mention how good they make you feel”

Suguna (Stockholm, Sweden) 

“I was looking for online guidance for plant-based diet and stumbled upon 3 Sources. The Journal has all the information that I was looking for to shift from an animal-based to a plant-based diet.Rachel's approach on how to prepare an optimally balanced meal was a 'game changer' for me. I really appreciate her wholesome approach to wellbeing, topics ranging from seasonal produce, to pantry lists, to connection, and tuning in with nature. My body feels much more lighter and energetic since I started following her approach, and most importantly I feel much more connected to my body than ever before. I wholeheartedly recommend her approach for anybody who wants to take control of their health and wellbeing through food and lifestyle.”

Fonda (Wimberley, Texas) 

“I am so glad I found Rachel’s page. She expresses herself with words and pictures, always asking for our questions and listening to them. I appreciate her understanding, caring and sharing of her own experience. I am trying to follow a cleaner diet. I want to do more in this area because I can tell it helps. I think Rachel’s approach is perfect for the person who cares about themselves and others, who is trying to live their life in a natural organic way both physically and emotionally.”

Kind Words


Helping people reclaim, attain and maintain optimal health


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