Plant Based Berry Ice Cream With Yarrow

July 26, 2022

A plant based, nutrient dense berry ice cream, naturally sweetened with dates and bananas and finished with fresh yarrow (Achillea millefolium) leaves and flowers (optional, but lovely). I used a mix of seasonal berries here; blackberries, raspberries and blueberries, but you can also choose just one type of berry – it will still be delicious. I don’t have an ice cream maker here with me here in the Swiss alps and it still turned out great, so don’t worry if you don’t have one. I’ve added a note in the recipe if you would like to use an ice cream maker.

The base of the ice cream is made with pre-soaked cashew nuts, which are rich in fibre, healthy fats, plant protein, and beneficial plant compounds. They’re also a good source of copper, magnesium, and manganese – nutrients important for energy production, brain health, immunity, and bone health. Summer berries (the black and the blues) are a great source of antioxidants, such as anthocyanins, ellagic acid, and resveratrol, which help keep free radicals under control. Free radicals are unstable molecules that are beneficial in small amounts but can damage our cells when their numbers get too high, causing oxidative stress.

Yarrow has a liquorice-like scent and a mildly sweet flavour that’s similar to tarragon. This entire plant is edible, but its leaves and flowers are nice in salads and salad dressings, but particularly lovely with this ice cream or in fruit salads.

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Plant Based Berry Ice Cream With Yarrow

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100g raw cashews, pre-soaked overnight (or minimum 4 hrs) in water

250g mixed summer berries (blackberries, raspberries, blueberries)

170g banana (roughly 2 small), skins removed, cut into chunks & frozen

150g unsweetened coconut milk (or almond milk)

70g Medjool dates, pitted & roughly chopped

30g extra virgin coconut butter (or oil), melted

15g white miso (shiro)

1 vanilla pod, split open & seeds scraped out (optional)

To serve:

A few fresh yarrow flowers & leaves (Achillea millefolium)


Blend all the ingredients together (except the coconut oil) until you reach a very smooth and creamy mixture. With the motor still running, slowly incorporate the melted coconut butter (or oil). Pour the mixture into a loaf tin or other freezer-proof container, and flatten the surface with a round bladed knife.*

Store in the freezer for a few hours, until the ice cream is completely set. Remove from the freezer 20 minutes or so before serving. Serve in bowls decorated with a few yarrow leaves and flowers, if using.


*If you would like to use an ice cream maker, pour the mixture into your ice cream maker. Once you have reached a soft-serve ice cream consistency, fill a loaf tin or other freezer-proof container, and flatten the surface with a round bladed knife. Store in the freezer for a few hours, until the ice cream is completely set. Remove from the freezer 20 minutes or so before serving.

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comments +
  1. Kameela Hays says:

    Thank you for sharing this. It looks so gorgeous Rachel. I make all my own non-dairy ice cream without added sugars .I don’t normally add cashews but will definitely be adding this for all it’s nutritional benefits with the next batch.
    Kameela x

    • Rachel Baker says:

      That’s great Kameela, thanks for the feedback. I hope you love the addition of the cashews – they make it so creamy and nutrient-rich x

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